Drew MacEwen, Washington State Senator - 35th District
Elected Officials
About Us
Our district is a special place, a land of great natural beauty – forests, mountains, waterways, marshes, bays and inlets. We are one of the most rural districts in the state, which means our issues are different than those of urban areas. We need to make sure our voice is heard. We’re interested in economic growth and opportunity, good roads and good schools, and improved services for rural areas. We want to preserve our way of life and keep it affordable.
This is the perspective I bring to Olympia. I have represented the 35th District since 2013, spending a decade in the state House before moving to the Senate. We face many challenges, and I believe the best solutions come when legislators work across the aisle and listen to their constituents. You can play a part in that. I want to hear from you!
If you have a problem with a state agency, or you have a comment or a concern about the direction of state government, please do not hesitate to contact me or my legislative assistant, Rob Barnes. You can give us a call at (360) 786-7668, send me a letter at the address below, or drop me a quick email at Drew.MacEwen@leg.wa.gov. It is an honor to represent you in the state Senate, and I hope you will stay in touch.